Friday, March 9, 2012

Is it ok if i befriend and adopt the beggars on the streets?

will the syndicates harm me? i really pity the beggars...especially the elderly and children. do u have any knowledge about them...their background..etc..?? what is the best way to help these beggars?Is it ok if i befriend and adopt the beggars on the streets?
What Anthony D said is true, at Indonesia mostly they are just being used by their lazy worthless parents also. Giving them money not just going to make the parent using of them but also making the children lazy too. Imagine some beggars making profitable income rather than working people! Mine for example, my last salary no more than 1 million rupiahs per month, their income (I read the news on the newspaper recently) is 1.5 millions rupiahs per month! It make sense when at the traffic light the beggars get 1000 rupiahs or so, in 1 day they get 50,000 rupiahs for 50 people. In 30 days they get 1.5 millions rupiahs!

If you pity them then provide them with mini library (because they don't school), make arts and music community or giving working skill for them, give them work, and other positive thing, not just give them the money that make them lazy and stiil being used by their parents too! Its ok to be friend with them, even great thing if you can protect them from rough action from their parents.

You can't adopt the children that easily. There is law about adoption, one of them is act number 23 year 2001 about Children Protection (Undang-Undang nomor 23 tahun 2001 tentang Perlindungan Anak ---%26gt; read it). You must have permit from the local/district court to adopt children. You can't adopt just any children that still has parent. Also there is maximal age for adoption!

Good luck for your good deeds!
Not much you can do for the elderly, but the children, ask them to bring you to their parents. When they do, punch the parents in the mouth, and tell them to take care of their children.

I know its sad, but I see this all the time in the Philippines, where I live, and 9 out of 10 times, the parent(s) get the money from their kids so they can sit on their asses, and get drunk all day. I pity the kids, but I know that they are just being used by their lazy worthless parents, and I am not going to feed their drinking habits.Is it ok if i befriend and adopt the beggars on the streets?
i bet the beggars wont be adopt by you or anyone.
just give them a couple thousand rupiah. they will be very happy.Is it ok if i befriend and adopt the beggars on the streets?
no just give them a dollar....

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