Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What/who keeps the government from legalizing marijuana and other drugs like that?

The drugs can be taxed, and crime rates will go down since crime syndicates will go out of business, and Uncle Sam will make a revenue from this idea. So are the republicans or liberals keeping this idea dead, or someone else?What/who keeps the government from legalizing marijuana and other drugs like that?
Who invented this issue anyway...FDR administration in 1937...
A complex question for a complex issue. It is a bit naive to believe that crime will suddenly ebb if marijuana is legalized. While it is true that many marijuana type offenses will ostensibly cease to exist with legalization, there would still be ancillary crimes that would occur.

It would be unfair to say that the objection to legalization is either a liberal or conservative position. There are people on both sides of the political aisle in favor and against legalization.

Probably the biggest reason marijuana is not legalized, is simply that no one really knows how to do it effectively. It has become an animal unto itself, consuming millions of dollars in enforcement, prosecution diversion and incarceration. It is in essence a self perpetuating industry, generating far more cash flow as an illicit drug then it would ever produce as a legalized substance. Even a program as simple and innocuous as medical marijuana is a bureaucratic screw up.

Having spent a career in law enforcement, beginning in the 70's and ending in the late 90's, I watched possession of less than an ounce go from a felony to a traffic ticket. I for one do believe in legalization of marijuana, as do many of my former peers. But as I said, until some senator or congressman is willing to tackle this complex issue, it will remain the "prohibition" nightmare of the late 20th and early 21st century.What/who keeps the government from legalizing marijuana and other drugs like that?
Because the War on Drugs is not really about drugs. It's all about power, control, and keeping imperialist/neo-colonialist interests in Latin America alive.

Research "Plan Colombia".

Colombia has always been and still is the coveted cornerstone of the US's geopolitical control over the entire Latin American region, and at whatever the cost, the US is determined to make Colombia the jewel in its imperial crown.

Here...take a read at this article
National OCD

As a nation once we get obsessed with the correctness of a bad idea we never let go of it regardless of all the evidence that clearly shows that it's a bad idea.

These are the results of our 40 year old War on Drugs

Whole countries are being corrupted

Cops are getting killed

The Constitution is being trashed

Whole neighborhoods are being ruined

Gangs are on the rise

Untold hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent treating the uninsured gunshot victims of drug trade violence.

We have more people in jail than any country on Earth

And through it all three things have never changed

1) Some foolish people think that it's worth it

2) If you have the cash you can still get all the drugs that you want

3) Alcohol still kills more people than drugs doWhat/who keeps the government from legalizing marijuana and other drugs like that?
the people. the majority of the people in america still are very neive about marijuana and do not have the straight fatcs. because the majority beleives the herb should be criminalized it is and most the people who want it to be illegal are the ones with money
The need to have issues to use to get votes, rather than do what is effective policy for the good of the people.

Illegal drugs would not be nearly as popular if spreading them around wasn't profitable.

Yes, I am saying that if drugs were legal there would have been less drug distribution.
I would be fine with Medical marijuana, but only in Hospitals or prescription. Otherwise people would be stupid with it.
The corporations that make paper, and the cigar companies. If this crop was legalized, they'd lose a lot of profit.
Sensible people..
There is standing law that renders your point of view illegal.

There are occasionally propositions on the state ballots that bit by bit etch away at it, such as giving rights for "Medical Marijuana".

And of course there are government organizations such as DEA and BATF that are oriented toward drug enforcement.

So maybe you have a new plan to help solve the national debt funding issue by which we transfer the great expense of economic recovery to future taxpayers to pay back... and if we could tax the dope smokers maybe we could repay those trillion dollar debts back a little sooner eh?

Hey well just keep writing to your congressman and senator and keep voting for people that inhale... that is the point, right?

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